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Best IELTS Coaching, English Training and Spoken English Regular Offline and Online One-2-One Classes in Chennai. It's 18th year for AngLo in Chennai which has the largest Training Team headed by Dr. R.Janakiraman with more than 29 years of creative and hands on experience in Training people from all walks of life. AngLo imparts training to people who are really in need of a perfect guidance to achieve their Target within the shortest possible time in English, be it IELTS, OET (Occupational English Test), PTE, English Basic,Intermediate and Advanced Communication Skills Training. AngLo guides Aspirants of UPSC Civil Services Examination for scoring high in Main Exams and effectively performing in interview as well.

Why to join English courses at AngLo?

Promising the best PPS (People, Place and System) for effective learning one needs have quite passionate and experienced trainers, conducive environment with pleasant ambience, quality and hassle-free Training strategy. Yes, AngLo promises its participants with world class expert trainers for an effective training , Place for Learning and System for achieving your Target within the shortest possible time. The most effective and interesting way of learning is practiced at AngLo, an ISO 9001 Certified IELTS English Training centre in Chennai. One-to-one training at participant's convenient timing is the highlight of the centre, Special Speaking Training by Teachers from UK & USA through skype for effective pronunciation and accent training. Our participants' module wise best score in IELTS is 9 out of 9 in Reading,9 out of 9 in Listening, 9 out of 9 in Speaking and the over all score achieved is 8 out of 9 and the TOEFL iBT Score is 107/120. Having separate and smart trainers for various activities AngLo follows a unique system of training and goes all out to bring SUCCESS to all its participants. AngLo extends training for the participants from other countries also. So distance never matters, yes, it's truly worldwide. English IELTS Coaching Classes One-2-One. AngLo is the only institution in India providing regular and online classes with Module-wise Experts possessing MA English background and most of them are TESOL,CELTA and TEFL Certified. Indian, Anglo-Indian, US and UK Trainers are involved in the training. Each Student is trained by 4 Expert Trainers to complete the training successfully and Effectively.

"Be it Basic or Advanced Communication Training in English, AngLo is the best English training institution in Chennai for Effective Speaking and Accent Training to strengthen your Communication skills and Spoken English. Best use the digital support to update your vocabulary to have command over English "

AngLo's Advantages:
One-to-One Classes, Regular & Fast Track system, Online and Classroom Training, 18th year in Chennai with 29 years of Training Experience. The only IELTS institution in India providing Successful One-to-One training with module-wise (Separate Trainers for Writing, Speaking, Reading and Listening), Certified and Experienced Trainers!

Our Partners
AngLo has joined hands with

British Council

British Council for International (ESOL) Certification.

Cambridge University

Cambridge University Press for IELTS / OET Training and Testing Materials.

IDP Australia

IDP Australia for IELTS / UKVI Exam Registration Support.


Pearson Associate Partner for PTE Training and Testing Assistance.


VISHWAROOPAM INSTITUTE in Chennai with unique training for UPSC Civil Services Examinations

About AngLo

One-on-one instruction from qualified and experienced trainers who are module-specific (having different trainers for speaking, writing, reading, and listening)!

Public Speaking Classes

Exclusively for MNC professionals, Teamleaders, and Working professionals, Presentation and Public Speaking Classes are available.

Super Fast Track Offline (10 Days)

Working people looking for promotions

Working personnel who would like to strengthen their communication skills within a short time

Graduates and Diploma holders who wish to develop Spoken English for finding a suitable Job

People who are planning for PR / to work abroad

Students who are planning to study abroad

If you fall in any of these categories and you are outside Chennai then you may plan to take up Super Fast Track ENGLISH / IELTS Training at AngLo. Mark any 10 days excluding Sundays, reach AngLo at Mogappair East,Chennai, put yourself in a cozy PG / Hostel nearby, enroll yourself into any of the English Courses and start the training on the same day.

It's strictly One-2-One

Completely planned Training schedule

Training by AngLo's Experienced Trainers

Interesting Activities

Improvement Tracked and Guaranteed

For Strengthning fluency , Essential English vocabulary for Effective Communication is made available through digital support

All you have to do is, just call up or mail us to inform about your start up date, confirm your stay in Chennai and kick start your Journey of Effective English Communication right now.

A big team is waiting! You will witness an amazing experience in next 10 days.

Wish you All the Best!

Director. AngLo.


Dear All,
For your KIND ATTENTION : In search of AngLo IELTS English, many people have wrongly landed on some Fake Websites and Portals which use AngLo's name partially to cheat people. Please be careful with such websites. Also, we strongly recommend you not to choose any Portals which use names of AngLo and many other institutions collecting money and never respond or arrange for training at all. The genuine websites carry only one organisation's name and the website's name would also be the same almost. On the other hand, many criminals are largely misusing the online training opportunity to earn money. They do not have any background and experience in training but just Speak English Fluently and cheat innocent people with empty promises. [ All users of English are not English teachers]. Don't Trust those individuals who claim to be certified Trainers. Even many certified trainers do not know how to impart training properly. Hence, AngLo trains or checks the quality of the trainers thoroughly and then assigns them students. Some websites have no contact numbers and address in them. They give you just login ID to access some recorded videos and charge heavily which is useless and an absolute waste of time.


Every participant is taken care of and trained by module-wise, highly experienced trainers...

British Council


British Council


British Council


British Council


What is IELTS?

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is widely recognized as a reliable means of assessing the language ability of candidates who need to study or work where English is the language of communication. IELTS is owned by three partners: The University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, The British Council, and IDP Education, Australia.


IELTS Test Format

IELTS consists of six modules. All candidates take the same Listening and Speaking modules. There is a choice of Reading and Writing modules according to whether a candidate is taking the Academic or General Training version of the test.


  • For entry to Undergraduate or Postgraduate studies
  • For professional reasons

General Training:

  • For entry to vocational or training programs not at degree level
  • For admission to secondary level
  • For immigration purposes

Special and flexible timings for professionals, business people, employees, nurses, students, and housewives. Success assured!

Check Yourself: Writing in IELTS

  • Are you good at delivering 250 words on essay and 150 words on Task 1?
  • Are you familiar with punctuation marks?
  • Are you a good user of phrases and collocations?
  • Are you good at effective sentence constructions?
  • Are you aware of sentence writing rules?
  • Are you good at generating ideas on any given topic?
  • Are you competent in using effective and appropriate vocabulary?
  • Are you able to build coherence without deviation?
  • Are you able to complete both tasks in an hour?
  • Would you like to become a very good user of English?

Then join IELTS Coaching at AngLo in Chennai.

Check Yourself: Speaking in IELTS

  • Can you comprehend any situation or question?
  • Can you speak on any given topic for two minutes?
  • Can you surprise the examiner with effective speaking?
  • Are you comfortable using phrases and idioms?
  • Are you confident in vocabulary?
  • Are you good at pronunciation?
  • Can you narrate a situation effectively?
  • Can you quickly generate points on any given topic?
  • Can you effortlessly persuade your listener?

Then join IELTS Coaching at AngLo, Chennai.

Our All-time Top IELTS Scores

Here are some of the top scores achieved by our students:

  • Mr. Naren Easwaramoorthy - Overall: 8/9 | Listening: 9/9 | Reading: 8.5/9 | Speaking: 7.5/9
  • Mr. Senthil Kumar - Overall: 8/9 | Writing: 8/9
  • Ms. Vasumathi, Chennai - Overall: 8/9 | Reading: 9/9 | Listening: 9/9 | Speaking: 7.5/9 | Writing: 7/9
  • Ms. Vidyalakshmi, Chennai - Overall: 8/9 | Reading: 8/9 | Listening: 8/9 | Speaking: 8/9 | Writing: 7.5/9
  • Ms. Pooja, Vellore - Overall: 8/9 | Reading: 8.5/9 | Listening: 8.5/9 | Speaking: 8.5/9
  • ...and many more successful candidates!

Join Effective English Speaking Course

A one-month online intensive training course designed to enhance your English communication skills.

  • Is your promotion delayed due to a lack of effective communication?
  • Are you struggling in an English-speaking environment?
  • Is your pronunciation an obstacle to your career growth?
  • Do you want to improve your confidence in English communication?
  • Are you ready for a magical transformation in a month?

If yes, this high-end course is ideal for you!

Contact us

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