Promising the best PPS (People, Place and System) for effective learning one needs have quite passionate and experienced trainers, conducive environment with pleasant ambience, quality and hassle-free Training strategy. Yes, AngLo promises its participants with world class expert trainers for an effective training , Place for Learning and System for achieving your Target within the shortest possible time. The most effective and interesting way of learning is practiced at AngLo, an ISO 9001 Certified IELTS English Training centre in Chennai. One-to-one training at participant's convenient timing is the highlight of the centre, Special Speaking Training by Teachers from UK & USA through skype for effective pronunciation and accent training. Our participants' module wise best score in IELTS is 9 out of 9 in Reading,9 out of 9 in Listening, 9 out of 9 in Speaking and the over all score achieved is 8 out of 9 and the TOEFL iBT Score is 107/120. Having separate and smart trainers for various activities AngLo follows a unique system of training and goes all out to bring SUCCESS to all its participants. AngLo extends training for the participants from other countries also. So distance never matters, yes, it's truly worldwide. English IELTS Coaching Classes One-2-One. AngLo is the only institution in India providing regular and online classes with Module-wise Experts possessing MA English background and most of them are TESOL,CELTA and TEFL Certified. Indian, Anglo-Indian, US and UK Trainers are involved in the training. Each Student is trained by 4 Expert Trainers to complete the training successfully and Effectively.
"Be it Basic or Advanced Communication Training in English, AngLo is the best English training institution in Chennai for Effective Speaking and Accent Training to strengthen your Communication skills and Spoken English. Best use the digital support to update your vocabulary to have command over English "
AngLo's Advantages:
One-to-One Classes, Regular & Fast Track system, Online and Classroom Training, 18th year in Chennai with 29 years of Training Experience.
The only IELTS institution in India providing Successful One-to-One training with module-wise (Separate Trainers for Writing, Speaking, Reading and Listening), Certified and Experienced Trainers!